Immortal's DeadeyeA handsome and rather fragile looking man at a glance, its only when he opens his mouth in a thick accent and crude language are most taken aback by the juxtaposition. Rami has a strong competitive spirit, temper with a short fuse, and a constant urge to prove himself which typically ends in a bar fight. A loose cannon that is known from time to time to use his good looks to indulge his debauchery...with varying degrees of success.However, when on the job Rami is quick to sober up and take a more serious and quiet edge to his words. Whores and booze is a treat, but coin is even better.Working as a sniper he can spend many days casing a target and is known for picking up an annoying habit of (poorly) singing or whistling. His work requires a delicate hand and sharp perception and when in the mood can solely focus upon his task. When off duty, however, Rami can be an absolute lazy slob.-
He thought that in the beauty of the world were hid a secret. He thought that the world’s heart beat at some terrible cost and that the world’s pain and its beauty moved in a relationship of diverging equity and that in this headlong deficit the blood of multitudes might ultimately be exacted for the vision of a single flower.- Cormac McCarthy

Eye color: Golden
Skin tone: Olive
Body type: Slender
Height: 6'0"
Orientation: Pansexual
Accent: Ala Mhigan
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Age: 88
Nameday: 31st Sun 5th Astral Moon
Psychological Profile: ISTP-A The Virtuoso
Scars: Horizontal scar down his left eye, random scarring across his body.
Tattoos/piercings: Ears pierced, tattoos all over body from when he was a Warder of the Green Wood.CHILDHOODPlace of birth: Dalmasca in the southern reaches of Othard.
Siblings: Unknown.
Parents: Unknown.ADULT LIFEOccupation: Marksman for the Immortals
Current residence: Gyr Abanian Wastes
Relationship status: Married.
Vices: Coin, booze, and a good lay.
Nicknames: Rami, Sid, RomeoMISCELLANEOUSOcular system upgrades that can filter light, see heat source, and have extended sight range. Eyes are naturally black due to these upgrades, but wears golden eye constacts.
Augmented legs to run faster and jump higher with shock suspension to brace from falling heights.
Altvalora is the name of his rifle. Probably loves it more than his own mother-- if he remembered her.
Trauma suffered from when he was taken from his home, he doesn't recall much of his life before being conscripted into the Imperial Legion.
Suffers from PTSD, borderline personality disorder, and alcoholism.
Sober during work, drunk on off hours.
Incredibly messy and scatter brained, he throws his things where ever and tends to forget about them.
Likes collecting books, but never reads them. Says he likes the smell.---------Things Rami can typically be found with:Sniper Rifle
Various ammo types
Concealed handgun
Concealed knife
Droid - "A.M.I.K.O."
Climbing gear
Silver mirror of Fate
Acoustic guitar
Torn red cloth
Faded medal from military service
Cheap bottle of whiskey
Crane card game pass


Born Sovian Djt-Marouc in the Golmore Jungle, Sovian was trained to be a Wood-warder and heed to the Green Word. Raising young male kits to follow in his foot steps he was a rather talented archer who would shoot any trespassers on sight to protect his home.However, during Dalmasca's invasion by imperial forces many of the forests would be set ablaze to weed out its protectors and help crush any resistance. Many stayed behind to protect their burning homes while others were gunned down as they escaped. Sovian would flee the forest with his charge Amian and manage to escape keeping to the tree lines and out of sight while their forest screamed to the wails of death and flame.Spending their days hidden and nights on the run, the two lived off the land for weeks on end. It was only one fateful evening when they were cornered by Imperials did Sovian bid Amian flee west and as he saw the boy vanish through the brush he was taken as a war prisoner shackled and tortured.

Sovian was given two options: Die, or conscript into the Imperial Legion. With a chance to find Amian once more, he choose the latter and gave up title of Warden and his birth given name. With his home destroyed and family dead, all that he clung to was the hope he would find Amian once more.Reborn as Ramirus Sidonius, Rami would campaign for decades under the banner of the Garlean Empire, rising within the ranks. Every death upon his fingers washed away who he once was until nothing remained of his former life. Even the memory of Amian was buried deep within his subconsciousness. All that was left was a trained dog brainwashed by the empire to bark at their command.Through years of experience and war, Ramirus would rise through the ranks to Sas. Proving himself a strong leader and able to follow orders. With a high kill count and penchant for lack of empathy, he was the perfect candidate.Later on in years the Garlean Empire inducted a civil war in Ala Mhigo as her people fought the Mad King, Ramirus Sas Sidonius and his men were sent to quell the rebels and help claim another territory for the homeland. A familiar situation on the winning side of things, Rami would swallow down his bleeding memories and see to his task at hand.It was only when they were met with an opposing faction did he finally crack. A young man who was the splitting image of Amian would stare him down as he and his own would fight for their freedom. Orders were issued and Rami was tasked with executing their leader to make a lesson of his insubordination. When Rami refused, his ranking officer would step in and follow through on his orders shooting the young man in the face at point blank.Furious, Ramius pulled out his own firearm to shoot his commanding officer in the back of the head. Before his men could react in panic, he would mow down the rest of his squad as bodies fell in slumps. Fleeing into the wastes he would yet again earn the title of traitor.

Wandering among the sands as a deserter, Ramirus had lost his purpose. Both times did he burn his prior life in hopes of reclaiming what was now gone and as such memories would flood into a hardened mind fraught with war and genocide he would doubt himself. He was left with nothing and as he roamed the Gyr Abanian wastes, the man sought a painful death.But, fate had other plans for him. A resistance cell that had Garlean connections would hear news of Rami's act of defiance and sought to recruit him. Hesitant at first, he would be brought to Half Point and over the days eventually convinced to join their cause. A man can't change their past, but they can choose their future.It would take months to break his conditioning formed in the military and though his nights are still plagued by nightmares he's learned to move on. To be less rigid and cold, but use those skills learned in the Legion for good. For freedom. Eventually he found a home with the Immortals, brothers and sisters to protect and fight for.To die for.
Hooks and Rumors

"Aye, Sid comes 'round 'ere now and again. Always the same shite. Booze and if lucks on his side maybe some arm candy too. We learned to cut him off early otherwise he'll be singin' to any patron. Real bothersome." - Bartender"You can find him out in the Wastes from time to time shooting trash. Pleasant man, if not a bit over bearing at times." - Ala Mhigan Refugee"Bit too carefree ain't he? Real wonder he ain't dead yet. The sands claim the foolish yet he still standin. Real miracle." - Old bar patron
■ The Immortals: Anyone in Gyr Abania would know of the local gang that helps protect the wastes. There's an air of mystery behind them and talks of spirits, but with so many rampant rumors its hard to tell truth from fiction.■ Imperial Legion: Ramirus served for over 40 years and eventually was promoted to Sas. Eventually a deserter, anyone that served in Othard or Ala Mhigo on either side of the conflict may recognize him.■ Local Bars and Brothels: Ever one to indulge his vices Rami can be spotted at most local establishments and on the rare occasion cause quite a scene.
♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬"Devil's Backbone" - The Civil Wars"The Heart of Every Country" - Crippled Black Phoenix"I Say Fever" - Ramona Falls"Them Changes" - Thundercat"Blood on my Name" - The Brothers Bright"Setting Sail, Coming Home" - Bastion"Broken Crown" - Mumford & Sons"Awake O Sleeper" - The Brothers Bright""Gun for Hire" - Woodkid"Burn Butcher Burn" - Joey Batey♬ ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬